Friday, March 12, 2010

Wish List

I am interested in what your wishes are.

Really, I am. I also want to know if you have an inspiration board (a la The Secret) and if you look at pictures during the day of things that inspire you. If I did (but I don't want people at work to think I'm any weirder than they already do), my list would contain:

A Boston Grand Piano
Seriously if I don't have one of these some day, I will die. Yeah, sure, I'm gonna die anyway. Whatever. I'll die SOONER if I don't have a piano, and my choice would be the little number below. Do I know how much it costs? No thanks, don't tell me. :)
A house
This is a sample of the quaint, unassuming house I want. I'm not asking for a mansion, people! However, the price of the house below could probably buy an entire county in another state. If it weren't 70 degrees and gorgeous outside right now, California, I would leave you. I'm serious. (Okay, maybe not, I like my family too much).
No cavities/me not being stupid
This is not really a wish...I'm not sure how one wishes for "not" something (can I wish for no war? Should I have phrased it "healthy teeth"?) but if I had not been careless and stupid I would not have to pay a dental bill of almost $900. See what being cheap when you don't have dental insurance gets you? (I'll do the math in case you don't get it. 6 years of cleanings, twice a year, at $75 = 900 spread across 6 years. 6 years of not attending the dentists's office = 8 cavities in your formerly perfect and cavity free teeth = $898 in fillings DUE ALL AT ONCE + pain and suffering). DUMB.
(P.S. doesn't this smiling child look like J?)

A BMW 7 series
Do I have to explain this? Nah. It's just awesome.
Canon Telephoto lens
For Josh's sporting events and just lots of other times when I would be totally bad-ass with this lens.
Here's another fun fact. One house + bills + our two salaries = NONE OF THE OTHER THINGS ON MY LIST. But a girl can dream, right? And I didn't want to nauseate you with my dream to own Jimmy Choos.

So what would you add to this list? What is on your list?

Check out my inspiration posts and see more wish lists here and here.
Source (piano)
Source (lens)
Source (BMW)
Source (no cavities)


  1. Great list!! I'm in the same place right now... My minimal paycheck + my husband's minimal paycheck = no fancy things. I'm hoping eventually we'll be able to afford a house. There's no way we could afford one here in California, but we're thinking of moving to Idaho this fall, so there's more of a possibility.

    I feel you on the teeth thing... I've had cavities before, but I skipped four years of dentist appointments during college and ended up having seven cavities (!!!!!). I had dental insurance, thankfully, so it only cost us about $300, but it was still expensive and painful. I now have a fancy sonic-y tooth brush and last time I went to the dentist, I was cavity free. I hope I can keep it up, as I'm losing my dental insurance in just a couple of weeks!

  2. Well that's another reason for me to spring for the sonic toothbrush! :)

  3. Free airfare? and PTO?

    Also, Sonicare toothbrushes are the best. you don't even have to buy the latest and greatest one either... I use one bc a million dentists told me I should... no joke.
