Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What is your LEAST favorite book that you have read?

Oh my...I have stopped reading several books, but I have obstinately finished some terrible ones. Generally I don't put down a book...if it gets someone reading, I'm happy! But I would have to say: I finished and really despised A Million Little Pieces, and mainly because the Author capitalized His Nouns. And as You can see, Toilet and Bedroom are not Things that need to be capitalized. Also I thought he was an arrogant jerk. Bear in mind, my opinion on this book has NOTHING to do with its level of truth; I believe an author has creative license to do whatever he wants to make a story compelling, and I could care less if he actually had Novocaine during his root canal. I just didn't like the narrator, so I never connected with the book. [whew, that was long!]

Ask me anything

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree!!! Usually if I hate a book, I just stop reading it, but I completely agree with you. Plus the fact that he completely fabricated his entire experience really made me NOT like it even more!
