So one of those awful things about being a real grownup is having the wardrobe to match. When you graduate from college, you will buy exactly one suit. You'll wear this suit on every job interview. You'll get one of those jobs. You'll wear the suit on your first day. And then?
Since I've always loved clothes and shoes, I took the challenge to heart. It's taken me years, but I feel really comfortable now in dressing modestly and professionally, but with some youthful style. I really like color, but it's taken me a while to figure out how to add color to my professional wardrobe (it's hard!). Also, on dressing modestly:
Modesty is really important to me. I want to be taken seriously. Some of us (cough*me*cough) have some...assets...that are hard to cover in fabric, modestly, without looking gigantic (in a fat, bad way). SOOOOO it becomes even more challenging to dress modestly when even a staple button down can gather, bunch, pull, and reveal just a little too much. Also, for any new professionals out there: you may think that a little reveal is helpful in the workplace and let me assure you that it is NOT. This is 2011. There are women in this workplace and they will NOT like you. Any men who glance your direction are probably not groomed for the workplace and not respected. I've seen it happen. The last thing you need, as a young woman, is to have people talk about your clothes in a negative light. I have, on occasion, had people discuss my clothes along the lines of "Oh that K is so wacky can you believe she thinks she can wear lime green to work OMG she is out of control" and once those people came to know me, I realized that they weren't actually chastising me--they wanted to emulate it! So let's be ourselves, and have personality, in a professional and modest manner. Let's let our clothes say "an interesting person put me together" and not "hey check out my _____"
That said, I'm going to post some outfits on here, in hopes that what I pull together can help broaden some horizons!
Bright pink for a January Thursday.
This is my casual Friday (yep, the flats make it casual) look. I also have a headband you can't really see...purple with stones.
I'll try to do this more often (if I think of it!)