Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I have been warned not to wear my wedding and engagement ring for very long into this pregnancy. I guess every ten pounds you gain is equal to one entire ring size, so as you gain the 25-35 pounds you need to gain during the process, you will inevitably outgrow your rings. You can have them re-sized or stop wearing them altogether. I have a friend who needed to have hers cut off of her finger in the ER after her hands suddenly swelled: another reason not to wear them. In the end, I decided that, starting today, I'd just wear the band. If I need to have it cut off, well at least it's only the one. I'm bummed because I like my rings! I want to wear them. I also thought of buying a pain silver band to wear if my rings stop fitting, but haven't yet. They don't feel the same, but they still come on and off.

So for now I have my very skinny wedding band on only. I think it's gorgeous, but I do sometimes think it's not noticeable enough?

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I'm still wearing my ring at 33 weeks. It just depends on swelling and weight gain, I guess! And my band looks a lot like yours, I love it! :)
