Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Reading List

While I stage a coup at work, I thought I'd post some summer reading ideas.

I am asked semi-often for book suggestions, and take this task very seriously. I read quite a lot (in the past I've read a lot more) and I appreciate ALL kinds of books, but realize that not everyone is like me and wants to read the things I do. :) That said, I'm going to start a summer reading suggestion list, and feel free to add in the comments! My only disclaimer is that, for the most part, I don't read "beach reads" or "chick lit." Sorry. I'll read it if someone asks me to, but it's not my thing.

So I would normally analyze these things in my mind if you asked me for a recommendation, but here you can do that yourself... ;)

Summer Reading Generator

You are: intellectual, open minded
Looking for: a stimulating read that leaves you thinking
You love to read about: the human condition (and what is that, exactly?)
Never Let Me Go

You are: a history buff, or you just love a great story
Looking for: a "meaty" read (something you can sink your teeth into); you like to be taken on a journey
You love to read about: the Medieval period (like me), architecture (like me), love (not like me, but the rest is awesome), family dynamics, politics, power struggles, the battle between good and evil
Pillars of the Earth

You are: a human being
Looking for: something you can relate to, and yet reminds you how great you have it
You love to read about: family dynamics, the human condition, struggling, the American Dream
The Glass Castle

You are: a dog lover
Looking for: something you don't want to put down
You love to read about: mysterious deaths, relationships, animals, depression
The Dogs of Babel

You are: a history buff, or love some serious (and true) drama
Looking for: an easy read, but something you are fascinated by
You love to read about: relationships, gossip, the past, Henry VIII and his escapades, the Renaissance
The Last Boleyn

You are: stuck in a rut/needing wisdom, inspiration, or guidance
Looking for: something that might just change your life (if you let it)
You love to read about: the journey, a story that also teaches you something
The Alchemist

Need more? Let me know. I always have more...and if you would like to discuss, by all means, let's talk!

Never Let Me Go is being made into a movie, I discovered today, with Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley and it looks A-mazing.

The Pillars of the Earth is being shown this summer as a miniseries on Starz.

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