Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Newport Boat Parade

The rain didn't stop us...we enjoyed the lights from a boat in the harbor on Sunday...

Rain, rain, rain

It's been raining for almost a week in sunny SoCal. The soil, the roads, and buildings are NOT ready for rain and things flood quickly. Today I had a flat tire in the rain, freeways were closed, and oh yes, our yard is flooded!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

He wants more than a sugarplum

Christmas Treats 2010

You may remember that last year I made homemade marshmallows. Well this year I made another marshmallow-themed gift for my co-workers and friends.

Merry Marshmallows

 Delicious sprinkles from Williams-Sonoma. The candy canes are peppermint-flavored!
 I had to order these adorable striped straws online, but they were worth it!
 All you need to make Merry Marshmallows: a package of marshmallows, semi-sweet chocolate chips (sure, you could use another kind of chocolate, but why?) and sprinkles. Melt the chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl in 30 second intervals (stir well in between), place marshmallows on straws, dip in chocolate and sprinkle with sprinkles!
 Set in a heavy-bottomed glass to dry.
The tag reads: Directions: Stir into hot cocoa, melt and enjoy.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Putting up Christmas Lights

I loved these shots of J on the roof:

Merry Christmas

Christmas has come to our house.
Ever-changing mantle display...

And J gave me my "gifts"...a tag on each remodeled room... :)

 Our tree...

Friday, November 19, 2010


YESSSS carpet!

 Bedroom 2 (back)
 Bedroom 1 (front room)


It is so much warmer in the bedrooms now! And homey-er...? hahaha

Dinner Idea

Need a quick dinner idea?

Try paninis and salad with green goddess dressing!

 It looks like green play doh, but it's delicious and healthy!
 Mmmm paninis with pesto, mozarella, tomatoes, and basil
 Green goddess ingredients, minus the green onions and basil. I have posted on this delicious dressing before...

I make paninis on my grill pan and voila! Almost-instant dinner!